Virtual Training

Apex Dog Training believes that most, if not all, behavioral problems stem from in-home behavior. This is why Elijah works privately with all his clients, addressing issues at their roots in order to achieve long-term success.

With virtual training, you can work with Elijah from the comfort of your own home.

What To Expect.


    The first session will be an introductory discussion about your dog's behavior, including how they respond to you, how they act in and around the house, and how they interact with the outside world. We will also discuss some foundational rules, expectations, and goals for your dog's training.

    I will then take you through the foundational structures of dog training, including leash handling skills, markers, luring, basic obedience, manners, and any specific behavior modification that your dog needs. I will also request videos of your dog each week to ensure that you understand what we are working on and are applying it correctly.


    • Program for you to follow each week with breakdown of everything discussed in the session to refer back to.

    • Puppy training guide.

    • Access to my current client private Instagram with video tutorials/instructional videos.

    • Weekly check-ins.

    • You have me as a dog trainer for life meaning, whenever you have questions, need help or support you can call or text me anytime.


    Sessions can vary in frequency depending on the individual dog's needs. Dogs with more serious or ingrained problems may require more sessions, while others, such as puppies, may only need two.

    I recommend at least two to three sessions for a good result and long-lasting success. The first two sessions should be scheduled two to four weeks apart, with longer breaks between subsequent sessions to give you time to practice the skills you are learning.

    All virtual sessions will be one hour.


Hourly rate: $110 P/h (Including GST)

1 Hour = $110 

Payments will be accepted after session (same day) through bank transfer.

If you are happy with this, and/or have any further questions please feel free to text, email or call me.